First Time?

We’re so glad you’re here. If you’re just checking things out, we would love the chance to get to know you and help you get connected. (Reason, when you’re done, we just wanting to send our thank you for coming!) Here are a few basic ways to get started:


Attend a weekend service. In person. During Covid-19 we are attending using social distancing and wearing mask.  We also offer online worship on our Facebook and Youtube.

With other people. We’re here to help you take your next steps toward Christ together, and nothing replaces the together part. Sure, you can stream a message online for those times when you’re away, but it isn’t the same as experiencing the message with others. Invite a friend and we’ll see you this weekend!


Age appropriate groups meet every Sunday following worship and other during the week.

Our new Young Adult Group meets on Wednesday at 6:30 pm by Zoom

Ages 18-34.   This small group is for young adults who want to develop meaningful friendships and grow spiritually.  It provides many opportunities to connect with others through serving, social events, small group discussions and Bible study.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 865 0384 3371
Passcode: 757936

Why join a group? Groups offer a tight-knit community and the opportunity to explore your faith with people you develop trust with.


Maybe you’ve heard kids are our future. That’s why we offer safe, fun, and creative environments and care for kids. Give your children an unbelievable experience and the opportunity to connect with others and God in ways specially crafted just for them. Oh yeah, they are our priority as well!


God asks us to give of our time, talent and treasure. You can volunteer in any area(s) that fuel your passions, give to support great causes, or serve others who live across town or halfway around the world.

2 Responses to First Time?

  1. Karl Harvey & Tina Hopkins says:

    Pastor Karen,

    It was a great joy and pleasure for Tina and I to start off 2021 attending your Sunday 1/3/21 service in your church sanctuary. Thank you Karen and Kay for welcoming us.

    As we mentioned after the service, our schedules and opportunities to return are somewhat complicated however I believe we’ll be back soon.

    Tina lives in Corpus Christi and attends Island in the Son UMC. I used to live there and attended IITS as well. Pastor John Smith knows us well. As I mentioned, I live in Metairie.

    Your church felt just right. For many years I attended a small church, Riverton Congregationl Church, in the tiny community of Riverton CT where I so enjoyed the family closeness of the tiny church and its members. I felt and enjoyed a similar joy at IITS as well. Your church brought those feelings to me as we attended your service today and gives me the desire to return soon.

    We look forward to returning for worship soon.

  2. metairieumc says:

    It was a pleasure meeting both of you. I am so glad that you had such a warm feeling. We look forward to seeing you again.

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